Wednesday, April 16, 2008


Hi friends, it's all about forgiveness! I read it from someone's friendster website. My empathy to you friend.

A movement does not always mean going onward. It possibly has three meanings: going backward, going in a circle(rounding), and going onward. The first two points give less benefits or do not give advantages to our life. The third movement(going onward)will make many changes in your life. Let make this coming Christmas is the best Christmas for everyone. Do not think about people's mistakes that hurt you once or even many times, it just lets you to commit a backward movement. Do not take revenge against anyone, it will have no end and it will just let you to commit a going in a circle or rounding movement.I hope that you will make the third type (going onward) of movements in your life. Let's forgive anyone who makes mistakes to you and never take revenge against anyone. Remember Jesus Christ came to forgive you and those people, you should do so. Prepare yourself for the best Christmas. Merry Christmas my friends.


andresshamenda said...

Hi Embly, that's your name, right?
Would you like to tell me more how could you visit my blog and would you also tell me which part of the blog interest you most?

Thank you for visiting my blog =)

Anonymous said...

Sorry I don't mean to make you offended. I'm just wondering, your two postings seem like my post in friendster to my friends. Is that what you mean when you wrote that my friendster website led you to my blog?


Anonymous said...

Nice to know you Embly =)